Strategy: Your team is so focused on the day to day work that it’s hard to figure out the future. You have an idea of what you want – but is that the right thing? Will that be enough? Could you go bigger? Dan has been driving strategy for some of the world’s best teams. He can help.

Competency: Once your team has an idea of what you want, now it’s time to get things done. It’s time to march forward together as a team (but a little faster. Dan can help you to do the work like some of the best teams in the world.

Dan Chuparkoff’s Strategy & Competency Acceleration sessions will help your team to build the knowledge, skills, and practices that you need to create a new NorthStar, and then to reach it.

Overview - 5 Keys to Team Competency

When it’s time to take your team competency to the next level, the 5 Keys to Team Competency session is the place to start. Dan Chuparkoff studied high-performance teams for 30 years. He’s been a leader on some of the best teams in the world – teams like Google, McKinsey & Company, and Atlassian. In this talk, you’ll get three decades of team-performance discoveries:

  • Discover the core skills and practices that make the greatest teams great.

  • Learn why these things are becoming increasingly difficult in a world of continuous innovation & change.

60 minutes

The “Yes, but…” workshop session

60 minutes

Teams should spend more time learning. Sure. Yes, but… who has time for learning – teams can barely get the work done as it is? Teams should spend less time sharing information. Yes, but… all that sharing is important. The current state of work often gets in the way of the things our teams want and need. In this facilitator-led team activity, the team will discover and prioritize the things which are getting in the way of the performance and success your team is looking for.


3-5 days

On many technical teams, the cornerstone of product improvement is the hack-a-thon. Engineers have been leveraging hack sessions to improve their products for two decades. So when it’s time to drive change, the multi-day, Competency REINVENTathon brings this democratized innovation beyond the products to improve the team and the way they work as well. Dan’s expertise and leadership will reignite collaborative innovation on your team – building high-performance team competency from the ground up.

Ask-me-anything session

60 minutes

Bring your team together for an informal question and answer session with Dan where he brings three decades of innovation experience to help your team to navigate the challenging world. Dan brings stories of, and strategies for, adapting to change, aligning at the speed of light, and leveraging the power of technology to create more value for your customers.

Individual coaching

60 minutes

Just like the Ask Me Anything for teams, but it’s just for you. During this personal Q&A session with Dan, you can get into some of the things that might be more difficult to address in a team session like, “My boss is an asshole, what should I do?” Dan has been coaching team members for more than two decades. He’s helped hundreds of people learn, change, & reach their true potential. He will help you too.